About Us

The Canada Ayurveda Research & Education (C.A.R.E) Foundation was created to empower Ayurveda practice in Canada & to showcase Ayurveda education & research in Canada.

The C.A.R.E Foundation was federally registered as a non-profit organization by Jaisri M. Lambert, Ayurveda Doctor (NAMA) & associates in 2017, to develop Ayurveda research & education in Canada.

Our Mission

The C.A.R.E Foundations mission is to bring Ayurveda to the mainstream Canadian public health discourse.

Our Vision

Our purpose and intention is to inspire the integration of Ayurveda into the Canadian mosiac and fabric of daily life.



  • To create an Internet Portal for Ayurveda Research
  • To create Ayurveda Classification of Local Medicinal Herbs


  • To start a college focusing on teaching authentic complete Ayurveda in Canada
  • To develop the Ayurveda Self-Care for Multiple Sclerosis Program [click here to learn]
  • To develop an Ayurveda Elder Home Care-Aide Training Program


Jaisri M. Lambert has been practising & teaching natural therapies since l983 after her debilitating migraine headaches kindled her interest in alternative therapies. Her exploration led her first to Polarity Therapy, where she became certified in 1985. As interest & demand for natural healing classes increased, Jaisri founded the Westcoast Polarity School & later the East-West Polarity School, teaching innovations in Polarity Therapy internationally.

In 1989 she met renowned Ayurveda physician & author Vaidya Vasant D. Lad, B.A.M.S., MA.Sc. in Victoria, B.C., an event that deeply influenced her life. Dr. Lad taught, “Healing is love plus intelligence”, validating Jaisri’s experience that spirituality & physical life are not separate.